So I took my first day off this week today. It was nice. I've played 7k hands so far this week, hope to have 10k by the end of the week so I should do it. I still managed to get up before 11 which I was delighted with as We'd (Me my girlfriend Fiona and mate Cian) planned to go picking mushies in the morning. Our last trip picking was a bit of a disaster, basically ending up in a 3 hour walk through Crone Wood. Although this was actually quite a nice way to spend a day, the lack of hallucinogenic drugs was somewhat disturbing. Today our research was better, ie we did some research and got a tip from a friend who'd had success on several trips. The spot we ended up in is obviously no secret to the funghi fanatics of the area as there was at least 3 other people scouring the field looking for their keys too.
We originally parked in the first car park of Djouce wood, just past Enniskerry, and went into the field beside the woods on the same side of the road. We found a few little guys randomly scattered around, and a lot of "maybe's" which will have to be sorted out later as I don't feel like poisoning myself too much. While there though the wind started to pick up to the point where I very nearly got blown into a massive pile of sheep shit, which wouldn't have been the greatest start to our trip. Anyway after about half an hour out in the cutting wind and rain we headed back to the car to warm up for a bit, and for a quick J to help our mushroom radars. We left the car and walked up the road past the first car park, climbing a fence into the field on the opposite side of the road to Djouce. From here we kept walking up, not finding much till we came to a little patch of bark mulch stuff that a farmer had made a square out of, for some farming reason i'm sure. The mushrooms obviously enjoyed the bark, there must have been at least 10 different kinds there. We took our time scouring through there and picked a few nice ones.
Walking up further again over a few more gates, we eventually found the field that we'd been directed to originally. There's actually 2 there, both very damp and marshy with reeds and moss, a few sheep knocking about as well. Here we started to find a few nice clusters and began to actually stock up nicely. All this time the weather had been pretty bitter but the wind and rain had calmed a bit, but it came back with a vengeance and made picking the shrooms pretty much impossible. It was pretty hard to keep your eyes open, never mind pick them. I definitely plan on heading back up there again soon. I have our haul drying in newspaper now, i'll have to sift through them at some stage and take out at least 1/4 i'd say so we'll see what we're left with. Oh we also found a sheep/goats skeleton along the way which was a bit of craic, photos below.
On the poker front I'm going to try get in a few hands in the morning but i'm not too optimistic about it. Heading out to Tallaght to play JP's Mini WSOP side event for 5 so hopefully I can run good in that and ship. Mushie party on Sunday when I scoop the loots imo.
Ha also forgot to mention that as we were walking along, eyes firmly fixed on the ground looking for the elusive mushies a pickup truck full of traveller's pulled up beside us.
"Do you want to buy any Hugo Boss Aftershave lads?". A bit surreal.