Lazy day again today, I only played 1293 hands, bringing my total amount of hands for the month up to 17059, still off the target of 40k. With a good bit of grinding in the next 2 weeks though I reckon I can make it. I'll be really happy with myself if I do to be honest, it's solid volume while only 6 tabling. I may add a table or 2 more soon, Feel like i'm starting to play a lot better. My big leak at the moment is giving people too much credit in their ability to fold---ie bluffing stations. Need to work on that an d just give up sometimes v the really cally players. I upped my 3b % a bit more, hope to get it around 7%, atm it's languishing at a nitty 4.5%. Must try harder.
Hope to get a good bit of a grind in tommorow daytime, as the night will be dedicated to crying over a pint. I'm really trying not to get too optimistic for Ireland's hopes of qualification. Being overly pessimistic is definitely the way to go imo it'll make the Sean St. Ledger's hat-trick that little bit sweeter. Although our chances are slim, it's still possible to hit that one outer, so come on lads. One time and all that Jazz.
Ran pretty good today again, but I really don't think you EV line is that good an indicator of how your running, although it is nice to use it as an excuse when your playing bad.

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