Jesus I missed that feeling, running good is fun.
Just finishing up for the day now. I ran good but played pretty bad. I was having a bit of trouble with a couple of the regs, particularly in 3bet pots. Something I definitely need to improve on. Anyway to my credit I think I table selected well, there's enough fish (just about) at 20plo to go around, no need to go on an ego trip and sit in with 4 or 5 other regs grinding.
When I say I ran good, I did. At the same time I wasn't getting it in behind, just holding. Always a nice change. There's nothing better in poker than when your running good and you have an air of invincibility about you. Confidence in yourself and your game is definitely an undervalued quality. Running good breeds confidence ergo lets have this heater continue.
I played the $20 3.5k f/o on i-poker this morning, finishing up 8th for $146. The payouts are soooo steep but anyway. Went out making a bad call v the ultra aggro chipleader. Still, better than a jab in the eye with a sharp stick as an old teacher of mine used to say. The I-poker tournaments really are a goldmine. My main problem with them at the moment is i'm trying to be more disciplined with regard to playing time eg try to make my sessions 2hrs max. If i'm going deep in a tourney I find it hard to not keep playing cash which leads to mistakes in both. I might try dedicate a night or 2 a week to just grinding tournies, maybe depositing a bit on stars. I'll see how it goes.
Here's my biggest hand from today, and my fun graph. I should probably be getting my red line up but meh.

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