Ugh I've been lazy. My target of 40k hands this month is looking very very optimistic right now. Before today i'd only played a few hundred hands and some tournaments, none of which I cashed in since last Thursday. There was obvious distractions, a very drunken night out in the Sugar Club for the IADT graduation on Wednesday, and the consumption of copious amounts of alcohol again on Saturday to ease the inevitable pain of the France game.
So it wasn't really until today that I recovered properly and had a bit of time. I did get in pretty much 2k hands which is good, and got out of a hole to break even pretty much which sometimes feels better than winning. Not today though. Felt I didn't play well, lost all concentration etc etc. Anyway, there's always tomorrow. I plan on getting up relatively early for the grind, but we'll see how that goes. Kinda fucked my roll a bit playing a lot of tournaments very badly which is annoying, accompanied by a few losing cash sessions and i'm back down to 1.2k or so, pretty annoying as I was hoping on moving up to 50plo earlier last week. Anyway, nothing I can do about it now really except grind it out again. I bought 400k hands from hand hq so i'm going to load them up tonight and hopefully start making the most of my HUD etc. I played the feeder to the Fitz mega sat tonight and came 4th, getting back my buyins basically, felt like I was getting owned in a lot of spots but never went to showdown so not sure if they were just running good or not. Didn't enjoy it anyway. I'll probably play one more of these if I get a chance, and if not, just the EOM sat.
Here's a ridiculously swongy graph from today..The big upswing after about 1800 hands was form getting it in with top set 4 ways on a 968 flush draw flop, v 710xx twice and kk24 (lol) for the K hi fd, managed to pair up on the river which was sweet.
Until tomorrow...

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