Thursday, November 26, 2009


As the title suggests I've been in spew mode for the last week or so, playing bad and losing consistently. Consequentially I've returned to my spiritual home (for a few days anyway, until I remember how crushing they can be), the 6 max turbo SNG. These are pretty much the only games I've beaten consistently over a big enough sample, so I'm gonna try get back into them and see how it goes. Plus you rake a shitload (my real source of income).

I'm playing the $10 and $20s at the moment but plan on just playing the $20s when I get my RB. To get back into the swing of things I'm just playing them in blocks of 6, seems to be the best way for me to keep concentration. They really are very funny though, I've played about 50 since starting back. I remember exactly why I quit playing them but also how much fun they can be at times, not a lot of people will agree with the second part.

Anyway off to grind. Might be playing a .10c-.20c home game tonight which will be a bit of craic.

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